Artikel-Archiv: „März 2017“

Die 64-Bit-Pflicht.

Das Marktforschungsinstitut Sensor Tower feuert die (bereits durchexerzierte) Diskussion um die Zukunft von 32-Bit-Apps noch einmal an. Based on App Intelligence data, our analysis of currently active apps that have ranked in either the top free, paid, or grossing charts at some point since their release shows that this number stands at approximately 187,000 or

„Additional Details on the New App Store Review Features“

It’s good to see Apple doing something about this. A limit of three prompts per year, and a system-wide switch to turn off all such prompts, go a long way toward fixing the problem from the user’s perspective. If Apple can figure out a fairer way to compute the average rating for apps across updates,

Frühjahrsputz im Herbst: Apple fordert regelmäßige App-Updates im App Store und kürzere App-Namen

To make it easier for customers to find great apps that fit their needs, we want to ensure that apps available on the App Store are functional and up-to-date. We are implementing an ongoing process of evaluating apps, removing apps that no longer function as intended, don’t follow current review guidelines, or are outdated. App

Search Ads ≠ Better Search

I think that Apple saw how concerned people were about paid search ads when the Bloomberg story came out, and decided that rather than having the entire discussion post-keynote be about that, they would instead announce it formally, along with improved subscriptions and the already-happening “faster review”. Let the storm clear, and then move on.

Nach dem Fest: Apples App-Store-Bilanz von 2015

In den zwei Wochen vor dem 3. Januar haben Kunden über 1,1 Milliarden US-Dollar für Apps und In-App-Käufe ausgegeben und haben Rekorde in den beiden aufeinanderfolgenden Wochen sowohl bei Zugriffszahlen als auch Käufen aufgestellt. Der 1. Januar 2016 ist mit 144 Millionen US-Dollar der bisher umsatzstärkste Tag in der Geschichte des App Store gewesen und

‚iOS first‘. Auch bei Spielen?

Android is a terrible platform for gaming if you’re interested in new releases, and I’m done with it. […] I don’t want to wait for the upcoming Android version of The Room 3 the way I waited for the Android release of Prune. I’m tired of companies like Bethesda announcing games like Fallout Shelter and

KW11 – so wie sie hier nicht stattfand

„Exclusive: Microsoft’s digital assistant to head to Android, Apple devices“ Microsoft has been running its „personal assistant“ Cortana on its Windows phones for a year, and will put the new version on the desktop with the arrival of Windows 10 this autumn. Later, Cortana will be available as a standalone app, usable on phones and tablets

Geschäftsmodell: App Store

Milen Dzhumerov stößt keine neue, aber eine wichtige Diskussion an: We have seen a large shift in the app economy over the past 7 years which has had a huge impact on indie software. In many ways, we have regressed to state which is simply unsustainable in the long term. If you only look at