Suchergebnisse für „Matter“

„Apple Weighs Letting Users Switch Default iPhone Apps”

The technology giant is discussing whether to let users choose third-party web browser and mail applications as their default options on Apple’s mobile devices, replacing the company’s Safari browser and Mail app, according to people familiar with the matter. […] The Cupertino, California-based company also is considering loosening restrictions on third-party music apps, including its

iOS 13.2: erster öffentlicher „Deep Fusion”-Probelauf

The camera shoots a ‘short’ frame, at a negative EV value. Basically a slightly darker image than you’d like, and pulls sharpness from this frame. It then shoots 3 regular EV0 photos and a ‘long’ EV+ frame, registers alignment and blends those together. This produces two 12MP photos – 24MP worth of data – which

Spotify weckte schlafende Hunde: Apple zeigt Interesse an Podcasts

Apple Inc. plans to fund original podcasts that would be exclusive to its audio service, according to people familiar with the matter, increasing its investment in the industry to keep competitors Spotify and Stitcher at bay. Executives at the company have reached out to media companies and their representatives to discuss buying exclusive rights to

Jony Ive verlässt Apple

Apple today announced that Sir Jony Ive, Apple’s chief design officer, will depart the company as an employee later this year to form an independent design company which will count Apple among its primary clients. While he pursues personal projects, Ive in his new company will continue to work closely and on a range of

„Intel’s Mobile Problem”

Qualcomm strich für die Einigung im Patentstreit mit Apple als Einmalzahlung rund 4,7 Milliarden US-Dollar ein. Dieser Betrag entspricht ungefähr der Hälfte aller ausstehenden Lizenzzahlungen, die Apple seit April 2017 nicht mehr an Qualcomm gezahlt hatte. Details zu den neu ausgehandelten Lizenzgebühren, die Apple pro Gerät zukünftig an Qualcomm zahlt, sind dagegen nicht bekannt. Bemerkenswert

„Apple Has Been Quietly Hiring Iconic Artists To Design Apple Music Playlist Covers”

Apple bezahlt Grafik-Künstler für die Gestaltung individueller Plattencover von Apple-Music-Wiedergabelisten. Das ist doch sehr ‚Apple-like‘1. Streaming services are fundamentally distribution mechanisms for other people’s work, and it’s generally the work that matters. That said, it’s a competitive advantage to have the packaging and marketing of other people’s work be as high value as possible because

„Apple Plans Gaming Subscription Service“

Diese Exklusivmeldung ist so flach an Fakten, wie die Spieltiefe von Leisure Suit Larry. Apple is planning a subscription service for games, according to five people familiar with the matter. The service would function like Netflix for games, allowing users who pay a subscription fee to access a bundled list of titles. Apple began privately

GeekBench: iPad vs. MacBook (Pro)

Die ursprünglichen Tabellen gehen auf John Siracusa zurück (Google Sheets); Jason Snell hat daraus ein Streudiagramm gebastelt, die die Multi-core-Performance dem Verkaufspreis gegenüberstellt (Ich habe die Tabelle für diesen Blogpost künstlerisch interpretiert.) You can’t measure the overall value of a product with a price/performance chart. Size and weight matter (for some). Compatible software matters. Screen