Suchergebnisse für „Matter“

„App Store Arguments“

What I wish would happen — and yes, I know this is naive and stupid and probably fruitless — is that Apple would just give the slightest bit of ground. Yes, the company has the right to earn a profit from its IP, and yes, it created the market that developers want to take advantage

Exploit-Handel verhindert im Jahr 2016 die Entscheidung über eine iPhone-Hintertür

Wen bezahlte das FBI für die Entschlüsselung des iPhone 5c, das den San-Bernardino-Terroristen gehörte? Die Washington Post lüftet ein fünf Jahre altes Geheimnis. The iPhone used by a terrorist in the San Bernardino shooting was unlocked by a small Australian hacking firm in 2016, ending a momentous standoff between the U.S. government and the tech

„Apple Platform Security Guide Reveals Focus on Vertical Integration“

From that broader perspective, the writing is on the wall. The future of cybersecurity is vertical integration. By vertical integration, I mean the combination of hardware, software, and cloud-based services to build a comprehensive ecosystem. Vertical integration for increased security isn’t merely a trend at Apple, it’s one we see in wide swaths of the

#241 – Wie liest man Newsletter?

Newsletter sind hier, aber wo sind die (Web‑)Apps und Workflows um die Texte von Substack und Co. tatsächlich zu genießen? Der Status quo erinnert mich an die Zeit, in der wir für Podcasts noch keine mobilen Podcast-Apps hatten und auf iTunes angewiesen waren. Ähnlich elegant stellen sich E-Mail-Apps heute im Umgang mit Newslettern an. Noch

Pre-iOS 14: Google Chrome als Standard-Browser

Mark Gurman im Februar 2020: The technology giant is discussing whether to let users choose third-party web browser and mail applications as their default options on Apple’s mobile devices, replacing the company’s Safari browser and Mail app, according to people familiar with the matter. Since launching the App Store in 2008, Apple hasn’t allowed users


But anyway, the point of this video is: Don’t go to war for Epic. I get it right. Apple is a gigantic monolith. Apple could stand to be taken down a peg or two. And yes, Apple took away your Fortnite. But you deserve more dignity than to be a soldier in a billion dollar

„Apple Buys Older Shows for TV+, Stepping Up Netflix Challenge“

[…] about 10 million people had signed up for TV+ by February, only about half that number actively used the service, according to the people familiar with the matter. | Lucas Shaw | Mark Gurman Die (schlechten) Zahlen glaube ich sofort, aber mit Netflix, Hulu oder Disney+ hat das nichts zu tun. Widerspricht deshalb

iPadOS: Maus und Tastatur ermöglichen andere Arbeitsumgebungen

Apple is planning to release an iPad keyboard accessory later this year that will include a built-in trackpad, the latest step in its effort to position the tablet device as an alternative to laptop computers, according to a person familiar with the matter. The Information Spannend ist hier nicht (in erster Linie) die Hardware, sondern