Suchergebnisse für „Matter“

Googles neuer Play-Store-Prüfprozess

Several months ago, we began reviewing apps before they are published on Google Play to better protect the community and improve the app catalog. This new process involves a team of experts who are responsible for identifying violations of our developer policies earlier in the app lifecycle. We value the rapid innovation and iteration that

Eine „Auszeit“ für Samsungs smarte Uhren

But fear not, smartwatch aficionados. Samsung isn’t sitting still. In an interview, Young-hee Lee, an executive vice president who oversees Samsung’s mobile marketing efforts, says that the company is “working on it,” with an eye on what she called product “perfection.” “We’ve been introducing more devices than anybody else,” she says matter-of-factly. “It’s time for

Ad: „Everything changes with iPad“

➝ Video Der ‚Spot für die Oscars‘, gesprochen von Martin Scorsese, trifft punktgenau das iPad-Image. Los Angeles County High School for the Arts relied on the power and versatility of iPad to write, produce, shoot, score, and edit their films in a matter of days.

Das iPad Air 2

Apples neues iPad hat etwas beeindruckendes geschafft: Hardware-Parität mit Laptops. Das Air 2 ist so schnell, dass die Rechenleistung kein Diskussionsthema mehr ist. ‚Computing-Power‘ ist nur noch wichtig für Geekbench, aber keine Fußfessel mehr im Alltag. John Gruber: In short, I don’t think performance is any longer a reason to buy a MacBook Air instead

Technik & Fashion: Apple Watch

Das für mich zentrale Zitat aus Grubers exzellentem Apple-Watch-Artikel: I think Apple Watch is the first product from an Apple that has outgrown the computer industry. Rather than settle for making computing devices, they are now using computing technology to make anything and everything where computing technology — particularly miniature technology — can revolutionize existing

Samsung zieht sich aus dem europäischen Notebook-Markt zurück

„We quickly adapt to market needs and demands. In Europe, we will be discontinuing sales of laptops including Chromebooks for now. This is specific to the region – and is not necessarily reflective of conditions in other markets,“ said a Samsung spokesperson. Chris Martin | PC Advisor PC-Verkäufe entwickeln sich seit dem iPad und großen

Surface Pro 3 vs. MacBook Air

Everyone knows the PC market has been in decline for the past few years. But one segment of that market is doing spectacularly well, and one company has managed to carve out enviable sales and profits by dominating that niche. Guess who? Ed Bott | ZDNet Am weltweiten PC-Markt hält Apple magere 6-Prozent. In einer

Wer bestimmt den E-Book-Preis?

177 Euro und 50 Cent habe ich für meinen japanischen Librie EBR-1000EP vor vielen Jahren auf Ebay einmal gezahlt. E-Books gab es damals quasi nicht. Mittlerweile hat der Amazon Kindle den Kampf ums elektronische Buch gewonnen. Apple versucht über den iBookstore noch das iPads als Lesegerät im Spiel zu halten – als einer der letzten Mitbewerber, der