Suchergebnisse für „Matter“

EU-Kartellverfahren: Qualcomm hat seine marktbeherrschende Stellung ausgenutzt

iFixit: Qualcomm MDM9645M LTE Cat. 12 Modem, September 2016 The European Commission has fined Qualcomm €997m for abusing its market dominance in LTE baseband chipsets. Qualcomm prevented rivals from competing in the market by making significant payments to a key customer on condition it would not buy from rivals. This is illegal under EU antitrust

Bluetooth-Tracker ‚Tile‘ schließt Kooperation mit Kopfhörer- und Koffer-Herstellern

Tile, the world’s leading smart location company, today announced expansions to the Tile Platform with several new partnerships, delivering on its vision to build a world where everyone can find everything that matters. Tile, kennt ihr. Zu den neuen „Partnern“ zählen unter anderem Bose (Kopfhörer), Samsonite (Koffer), Boosted Boards (Skateboards) und Propeller Health (Asthma Inhalatoren).

Das iPhone 8 und iPhone 8 Plus

Eins vorweg: Es fühlt sich verdammt komisch an zu wissen, dass ich bereits in 2 Wochen erneut ein Notizblatt in Ulysses anlege, aus dem später wieder ein längerer iPhone-Artikel wird. Dieser Doppelschlag, ein iPhone 8 (Plus) im September und ein iPhone X im November, ist…sonderbar. Keine Frage: Die Produktionskapazitäten für das iPhone X scheinen deutlich

Bloomberg: LTE-Modell der Apple Watch im Herbst

Apple Inc. is planning to release a version of its smartwatch later this year that can connect directly to cellular networks, a move designed to reduce the device’s reliance on the iPhone, people familiar with the matter said. Currently, Apple requires its smartwatch to be connected wirelessly to an iPhone to stream music, download directions in

„Speculation Regarding the Pricing of and Strategy Behind This Year’s New iPhones“

If you want to argue that Apple should never create an iPhone with a higher starting price than what we have today, you’re implicitly arguing that Apple should never put any components into a new iPhone that can’t be made at iPhone 7’s scale. I think that’s dangerous strategically, leaving Apple open to attack from

„Inside Apple’s Insanely Great (Or Just Insane) New Mothership“

Steven Levy über Steve Jobs „letzte Produktveröffentlichung“. It’s probably more accurate to say that Apple Park is the architectural avatar of the man who envisioned it, the same man who pushed employees to produce those signature products. In the absence of his rigor and clarity, he left behind a headquarters that embodies both his autobiography

Apple AirPods – viereinhalb Monate später.

Ich habe meinem Dezember-Artikel über die Apple AirPods inhaltlich kaum etwas hinzuzufügen. Und trotzdem will ich 17 Wochen später, mit etwas Abstand (aber der gleichen sechswöchigen Liefersituation), doch noch einmal unterstreichen wie fantastisch diese Ohrstöpsel sind. „Kein Kopfhörer mehr ohne W1 Chip“ war rückblickend der treffendste Satz aus diesem Beitrag. AirPods, all day long. Die

„Fitbit’s new smartwatch has been plagued by production mishaps“

The fitness tracker company’s smartwatch project has been a troubled one. Production problems have forced Fitbit to push an original spring launch to this fall, according to two sources familiar with the matter. The watch, according to the two sources familiar with the matter, will include a color display with 1,000 nits of brightness comparable