Artikel aus der Kategorie „News“

Eddy Cue stellt neue Remote-App in Aussicht

Noch rechtzeitig zum Fest: Apples iOS-Fernbedienung (universal; kostenlos) kopiert wieder Accountdaten und Passwörter vom iPhone zum neuen Apple TV. Trotzdem ist die Neuerung im gestrigen tvOS-Update nur eine Übergangslösung, wie Eddy Cue gegenüber BuzzFeed mitteilt: “We’re working on a new Apple TV remote app that will give you the full functionality of the Siri Remoteweiterlesen

Apples ‚Smart Battery Case‘ fürs iPhone 6(s)

Huch, wie ist das denn passiert?

„Apple says it’s not done improving Maps.“

Apple says its mapping service is now used more than three times as often as its next leading competitor on iPhones and iPads, with more than 5 billion map-related requests each week. Research firm comScore says Apple has a modest lead over Google on iPhones in the U.S., though comScore measures how many people useweiterlesen

Dropbox: Bye-bye Mailbox + Carousel

Drew Houston und Arash Ferdowsi: Building new products is about learning as much as it’s about making. It’s also about tough choices. Over the past few months, we’ve increased our team’s focus on collaboration and simplifying the way people work together. In light of that, we’ve made the difficult decision to shut down Carousel andweiterlesen

Kein 25.000-Song-Limit mehr für Apple-Music- und iTunes-Match-Uploads

Eddy Cue bestätigt die (seit Sommer geplante) Anhebung des Song-Limits der iCloud-Musikmediathek sowie iTunes Match, die zuerst Kirk McElhearn aufgefallen war. Anstelle von 25.000 eigenen Musiktiteln lassen sich nun 100.000 Songs online hinterlegen. Jedes Mal wenn ich über Apple Music und die (auch weiterhin separat zu buchende) Zusatzkomponente iTunes Match schreibe, muss ich die Unterschiedeweiterlesen

iPhones ohne Kopfhörer-Klinke: Keine Frage des Ob, sondern des Wann

Apple seems to plan removing the headset jack from the next iPhone 7, according to a reliable source. […] Supplied Ear Pods will equip a Lightning connector, which means a DA (Digital to Analog) converter is required. The DA will be built in the Lightning connector without sacrificing the size, according to the source. Macotakaraweiterlesen

Schweizer Uhrenexporte rückläufig

Swiss watch exports had their biggest decline in six years in October, led by a 39 percent slump in shipments to Hong Kong, the industry’s largest market. […] “2015 has been one to forget for the watchmakers,” said Jon Cox, an analyst at Kepler Cheuvreux in Zurich. Corinne Gretler | „Swiss Watch Exports Fall Mostweiterlesen

Rdios Musikstrom trocknet aus

Rdio meldete am Montag Insolvenz an. Die jetzt veröffentlichten Details lesen sich…verheerend: The bulk of Rdio’s revenue came from its $9.99 per month subscriptions. The company took in $1.5 million per month there. Advertising only accounted for $100,000-$150,000 per month.That was dwarfed by the nearly $4 million in monthly operating expenses, including payroll for 140weiterlesen