Artikel aus der Kategorie „News“

WWDC 2016: 13. – 17. Juni in San Francisco

Apple hat heute bekannt gegeben, dass es die 27. jährliche Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) vom 13. bis 17. Juni im Moscone West in San Francisco veranstalten wird. Die Eröffnungsveranstaltungen am Montag, inklusive der Keynote finden im Bill Graham Civic Auditorium statt. Der Rest der Konferenz-Sessions in dieser Woche werden im Moscone West abgehalten. Apple

Das FBI zieht zurück

”The government has now successfully accessed the data stored on terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook’s iPhone and therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple Inc.,“ prosecutors wrote in the Monday filing, which does not explain precisely what was done. „Feds break through seized iPhone, stand down in legal battle with Apple“ Nicht aufgehoben, sondern aufgeschoben

Kein Showdown vor Gericht: FBI kneift vor der mündlichen Anhörung

On the eve of the arguments — and hours after an Apple product launch event — the government told the court that “a possible method for unlocking” the phone was demonstrated to the FBI by “an outside party.” The government is asking for the hearing on Apple’s challenge to the order to be canceled, with

Apple lädt für Montag, den 21. März 2016, ein.

The invitation reads: “Let us loop you in.” The event, which is to be held at Apple’s Cupertino, CA campus, will occur one day prior to the company’s March 22 showdown with the government over a motion that would compel it to help hack an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino terrorists. Apple

Nächstes Apple-Event: in der Woche vom 21. – 25. März ➊

Attention Apple nerds, investors, media and everyone else who needs to know when Tim Cook’s next product event is going to be held: It’s going to be the week of March 21. Or to put it another way, it’s not going to be on March 15, the time frame that other outlets previously reported, according

Aktuelle Anweisung: mehr iPhone-, iOS- und iCloud-Verschlüsselung

Apple engineers have begun developing new security measures that would make it impossible for the government to break into a locked iPhone using methods similar to those now at the center of a court fight in California, according to people close to the company and security experts. If Apple succeeds in upgrading its security —

LG G5 und Samsung Galaxy S7 ohne „Adoptable Storage“

With both the Galaxy S7 and LG G5 sporting expandable storage, and Google adding great SD support to Android 6.0, this year it seemed like storage enthusiasts would get everything they could ever want. Apparently that’s not the case though, as both OEMs have shunned Google’s new „Adoptable Storage“ feature. Die Kurzfassung: Android Marshmallow verschmilzt den internen Speicher

„Answers to your questions about Apple and security“

As the government has confirmed, we’ve handed over all the data we have, including a backup of the iPhone in question. But now they have asked us for information we simply do not have. We feel the best way forward would be for the government to withdraw its demands under the All Writs Act and, as some in