Artikel aus der Kategorie „News“

Neues Apple-Watch-Achievement an Thanksgiving

Apropos Apple Watch. Apropos Motivation. Um sich den „Thanksgiving“-Erfolg am 24. November mit einem 5-Kilometer-Lauf zu verdienen, der nur für die US-Feiertagsgesellschaft gedacht ist, lässt sich zur Teilnahme auch hierzulande das ‚Region Format‘ in der Watch-App umstellen. via Rene Ritchie

„Apple Abandons Development of Wireless Routers“

Erst die Displays, jetzt die Router: Apple streicht sein Portfolio an Zubehör ordentlich zusammen. Apple Inc. has disbanded its division that develops wireless routers, another move to try to sharpen the company’s focus on consumer products that generate the bulk of its revenue, according to people familiar with the matter. Apple began shutting down the

„Apple Keeps Constant Log Of iPhone Calls In iCloud, Warns Cop Contractor“

Apple has a hidden feature for you in its iPhones: call logs going back as far as four months are stored in near real-time in the iCloud. That’s the warning today from a Russian provider of iPhone hacking tools, Elcomsoft, which claimed the feature was automatic and there was no way to turn it off

„Designed by Apple in California“

Phil Schiller antwortete vor vier Jahren einmal auf die Idee für ein hauseigenes Apple Firmenmuseum: “I don’t think this is a good idea for Apple. We are focused on inventing the future, not celebrating the past. Others are better at collecting, curating, and displaying historical Items. It is not who we are or who we

„The MacBook Pro’s Touchy Feely Thing“

➝ Video Steven Levy: I check out Apple’s faster, thinner, louder notebook with the Multi-Touch strip on the keyboard. And Phil Schiller helps me decode it. When I suggested that this might be only the latest in a number of mobile innovations moving to the Mac, in an overall annexation of the Macintosh platform, Schiller pushed

‚Apple Certified Refurbished‘ – in den USA erstmals auch für iPhones

Seit April 2014 nimmt Apple in Deutschland alte iPhones in Zahlung. In den USA verkauft ihr Online-Shop seit dieser Woche erstmals „zertifizierte und generalüberholte“ Modelle seiner Telefone. Während der Rückgabepreis für iPhones bei Apple gewöhnlich weit unter dem noch zu erzielenden Strassenpreis liegt (wenn man dafür selbst die nervige Abwicklung über Ebay und Co. auf

„Die Vertuschung ist schlimmer als das Verbrechen“

I must reiterate what I said in a story last night about another replacement phone that caught fire. If you own a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 you should stop using it immediately and return it for a refund — all the major US carriers will exchange the phone, regardless of purchase date. Samsung has handled

BlackBerry baut keine Smartphones mehr

BlackBerry has announced that it plans to stop making its own phones as the struggling company continues to focus on its software and security products. This is far from the end of BlackBerry devices, the production of which will be outsourced to third-party manufacturers — as was the case with the company’s recent DTEK 50, a clone