
Artikel aus der Kategorie „News“

Video: „Making Computers Smarter with Google’s AI chief John Giannandrea”

➝ Video Mit dem Wechsel von John Giannandrea zu Apple ist sein Disrupt-Interview aus dem letzten Herbst – damals noch als „Google’s AI chief“ – rückblickend sicherlich spannender als es seinerzeit wahrgenommen wurde. Ich würde allerdings vorsichtig damit sein in einige der angesprochenen Themen (beispielsweise „Health” oder „Privacy”) zu viel hineinzuinterpretieren 1. Die tatsächliche Praxis

„Apple Hires Google’s A.I. Chief“

Apple has hired Google’s chief of search and artificial intelligence, John Giannandrea, a major coup in its bid to catch up to the artificial intelligence technology of its rivals. Apple said on Tuesday that Mr. Giannandrea will run Apple’s “machine learning and A.I. strategy,” and become one of 16 executives who report directly to Apple’s

„Apple Plans to Use Its Own Chips in Macs From 2020, Replacing Intel“

The initiative, code named Kalamata, is still in the early developmental stages, but comes as part of a larger strategy to make all of Apple’s devices — including Macs, iPhones, and iPads — work more similarly and seamlessly together, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing private information. The project, which executives

Unsere Ansprüche an Apples März-Event sollten hoch sein

But a funny thing happened on the way to Apple becoming the most valuable company on the planet. They seemingly stopped caring about the schools. They’ll deny this, of course. But at the very least, they certainly stopped caring as much about the market. To see this, look no further than the inroads Google has

Apple schlägt 13 „Accessibility“-Emojis vor

Apple is requesting the addition of emoji to better represent individuals with disabilities. Currently, emoji provide a wide range of options, but may not represent the experiences of those with disabilities. Diversifying the options available helps fill a significant gap and provides a more inclusive experience for all. „Proposal For New Accessibility Emoji“ (PDF) Insgesamt

Trotz gesperrtem iPhone: Siri plaudert Benachrichtigungen von WhatsApp und Co. aus

Das iPhone X zeigt neue Textnachrichten erst, wenn der Besitzer das Gerät entsperrt – damit Unbefugte diese nicht einsehen können. Apples Sprachassistenzsystem liest die Mitteilungen von Dritt-Messengern auf Nachfrage aber bereitwillig vor. […] Unbefugte können auf diese Weise alle neuen Nachrichten abhören, die der Nutzer etwa über Messaging-Dienste wie WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger und andere Dritt-Apps

„Apple grabs two-year lead in 3D sensing race“

Most Android phones will have to wait until 2019 to duplicate the 3D sensing feature behind Apple’s Face ID security, three major parts producers have told Reuters, handicapping Samsung and others on a technology that is set to be worth billions in revenue over the next few years. ➝ Video Tim Cook, 2016: „Being the

„Apple Is Secretly Developing Its Own Screens for the First Time“

Richtig schöner Scoop von Mark Gurman, der viele (kleine) Details enthält und auf die üblichen Spekulationen verzichtet. The technology giant is making a significant investment in the development of next-generation MicroLED screens, say the people, who requested anonymity to discuss internal planning. MicroLED screens use different light-emitting compounds than the current OLED displays and promise