„Stream Game of the Year 2023“: Suika Game
Das japanische „Wassermelonen-Spiel“ avancierte im letzten Jahr zu einem weltweiten Phänomen („Stream Game of the Year“). Ich habe es damals schlicht verpasst; erst meine Kinder klärten mich darüber auf.

Suika Game plumpste dann Ende März in den App Store – nur die EU-Region wartete (aus nicht kommunizierten Gründen) weiter.
Wir spielten zwischenzeitlich (ausgiebig!) die Switch-Version. Gestern klickte jemand im App-Store-Backend die EU-Region für das lustige Puzzlespiel dazu.
Suika Game is an easy game to get into with a relatively high ceiling for scoring, and it’s incredibly hard to put down. Its pick-up-and-play nature makes it perfectly suited for mobile, and I’m glad I don’t have to pull out my Switch anytime I want to play it now. While we had a browser-based version to play before, it lacked much of the charm of the original, and while there have been a ton of knock-offs, none of them have played quite right. It’s nice to have the real thing here on iOS, looking, sounding, and playing exactly as it should, with no ads or IAPs to mess with the enjoyment. Worth the price? You bet it is.
Shaun Musgrave | Toucharcade