„The Family Emojis Are Now Equally Useless For Everyone (And that’s a good thing.)“

For too long, the many yellow family emojis have been ‚close enough‘ as a stand-in for white families, but useless for darker skinned families wanting to represent themselves. […]
Family emojis that once showed as a collection of yellow men, women, boys and girls are now represented with genderless silhouettes as part of a recommendation from Unicode in 2023 and included as part of today’s iOS 17.4 software update. […]
Silhouettes might please no-one, but at least they might displease everyone equally.
And that’s what we’ve ended up with today: silhouettes that make the family emoji as lacking in utility for white families now, as it has been for black families for more than a decade.

Um so tiefer man sich ins Thema einliest (L2/20-114R / L2/19-392), um so nachvollziehbarer ist die Entscheidung.
Respekt an Jeremy Burge, der exakt diesen Änderungsvorschlag bereits vor vier Jahren einbrachte.