
„Apple Platform Security Guide Reveals Focus on Vertical Integration“

From that broader perspective, the writing is on the wall. The future of cybersecurity is vertical integration. By vertical integration, I mean the combination of hardware, software, and cloud-based services to build a comprehensive ecosystem. Vertical integration for increased security isn’t merely a trend at Apple, it’s one we see in wide swaths of the industry, including such key players as Amazon Web Services. When security really matters, it’s hard to compete if you don’t have complete control of the stack: hardware, software, and services.

Ein treffendes Beispiel für den Schulterschluss aus Hardware, Software und Services in punkto Sicherheit ist die Schutzfunktion gegen Lauschangriffe: Sobald eine „Made for iPad“-Hülle das Apple Tablet zuklappt, trennt sich das Mikrofon auf Hardware-Ebene. Selbst ein komplett kompromittiertes Gerät wird so nicht zur Wanze, obwohl man dafür nicht mehr macht als die Klapphülle zu schließen.

Services are the important third leg to support secure software updates, communications, and convenient, customer-focused features. Find My, Activation Lock, iCloud Keychain Sync (so your passwords are on every device), iMessage, iCloud Backup, and HomeKit are examples of Apple services that use vertical integration to provide valuable features.

Rich Mogull | TidBits