„The iconic watches that inspired Apple Watch faces“

I already had a tremendous amount of respect for the team that made the Apple Watch. Its industrial and interface design respect centuries of watchmaking, all the while introducing something novel.
As I researched and wrote this essay, my respect only increased. With the watch faces, Apple could have taken the easy way out by merely mimicking existing watch archetypes at a surface level. Instead, they intensely studied each one’s history. When designing each face, they took into account that history and the constraints and opportunities afforded by modern technology.
These faces are digital interpretations of mechanical watches that continue a long line of evolution. Given that Apple has already made its versions of the most famous watches, a question lingers on my mind.
Which new faces could they possibly introduce in the future?
Niemand sollte diese historische Einordnung der watchOS-Zifferblätter verpassen.
Der Artikel beantwortet indirekt die Frage warum sich Apple dafür extern beraten ließ.
He [Jony Ive], and his team of designers, knew they didn’t know everything about watches, so they asked for help. It was one of the first and only times Apple consulted outside experts while designing a product. And some of those experts are HODINKEE friends like our old pal Will Andrewes and former Richemont historian Dominique Flechon.
Benjamin Clymer, 2018