
„iPhone 12 Event: All The Camera News“

Wer aufs Pro-Modell der neuen iPhones schielt, sollte dies aus den richtigen Gründen tun: den Kameras. Doch selbst zwischen dem iPhone 12 Pro und dem iPhone 12 Pro Max bestehen signifikante Unterschiede beim Kamerasystem.

Sebastiaan de With (Team Halide) hat die Specs anhand der bisherigen Informationslage einmal aufgeschlüsselt.

In addition to a better lens, the 12 Pro Max has the room to pack a new, 47% larger sensor. That means bigger pixels, and bigger pixels that capture more light simply means better photos. More detail in the day, more light at night. That combines with the lens to result in almost twice as much light captured: Apple claims an 87% improvement in light capture from the 11 Pro. That’s huge.