Nach coronabedingter Schließung: Die ersten 100 Apple Stores öffnen wieder

In every store, we’re focused on limiting occupancy and giving everybody lots of room, and renewing our focus on one‑on‑one, personalized service at the Genius Bar and throughout the store.
We’re also taking some additional steps in most places. Face coverings will be required for all of our teams and customers, and we will provide them to customers who don’t bring their own. Temperature checks will be conducted at the door, and posted health questions will screen for those with symptoms — like cough or fever — or who have had recent exposure to someone infected with COVID‑19. Throughout the day, we’re conducting enhanced deep cleanings that place special emphasis on all surfaces, display products, and highly trafficked areas.
Trotzdem lässt sich zwischen den Zeilen lesen, was sich (hoffentlich) von selbst versteht: Apple öffnet ein Fünftel seiner Ladengeschäfte primär für essentielle Anliegen. Die Zeit der Stores als „Town Squares“ – nach Angela Ahrendts – ist noch lange nicht zurück.