„Apple recruits prominent Facebook critic for privacy team“

Apple has recruited Mr Parakilas to work in its privacy team as a product manager, according to people familiar with the hire. His internal-facing role within Apple’s product marketing organisation will involve working with teams all over the iPhone maker, to ensure that new products in development protect users’ privacy and minimise data collection.
Sandy Parakilas entwickelte und beaufsichtigte in den Jahren 2011 und 2012, in einer leitenden Position bei Facebook, die Datenschutzrichtlinien des Sozialen Netzwerks.
Parakilas said he “always assumed there was something of a black market” for Facebook data that had been passed to external developers. However, he said that when he told other executives the company should proactively “audit developers directly and see what’s going on with the data” he was discouraged from the approach.
He said one Facebook executive advised him against looking too deeply at how the data was being used, warning him: “Do you really want to see what you’ll find?”
‚Utterly horrifying‘: ex-Facebook insider says covert data harvesting was routine
Anschließend war er in beratender Position für eine Non-Profit-Organisation tätig, die strengere Vorschriften für Technologieunternehmen fordert.
Einige Statements aus seiner Twitter-Timeline sowie Medium-Posts hätte auch Tim Cook schreiben können:
Privacy isn’t a feature that’s easily bolted onto an existing product, it’s much better if you build your assumptions around it from the beginning. This means new products that are built to reflect the suddenly-increased desire for privacy have an advantage over existing ones that are merely pivoting in that direction. This is an opportunity not just for messaging, but for all communication media — video, photos, audio, and every other way we humans communicate.