„Yes, Animoji uses the TrueDepth camera system on iPhone X“

Animoji uses the IR system on the iPhone X TrueDepth camera system to periodically update a depth map but it uses the RGB camera constantly to track and match facial movement and expressions. […]

In other words, Apple could have made a sloppy version for iPhone 8 (which lacks TrueDepth but shares the A11 Bionic) or a crappy version for iPhone 7 (which lacks both), but the company would likely be blasted for the poor performance by the same people blasting them for not having it at all right now.

Rene Ritchie

Mit „the same people“ ist in diesem speziellen Fall Marques Brownlee gemeint, der in seinem iPhone-X-Review (ab Minute 11:18) behauptet, Apple würde anderen iPhones grundlos die possierlichen Animoji vorenthalten. Und das ist Quatsch1.

  1. Obwohl auch mir bis heute die technische Umsetzung von Apples Animoji nicht klar war.