
„Apple Watch’s new Theater Mode makes sleep tracking a lot more tolerable“

Theater Mode, in short, is the ability to shut off the Apple Watch’s screen and prevent it from waking even when you raise your wrist. It’s different from the Do Not Disturb option that’s been offered on Apple Watch since the beginning, because while Do Not Disturb prevents all notifications from popping up, the Watch’s display will still light up when you move your wrist around. In Theater Mode, the smartwatch won’t light up unless you physically press on it. […]

But if Apple Watch ever is going to be a sleep tracker, something the company has reportedly been working on, this is another step in that direction. Currently, the Watch doesn’t have a built-in app for tracking sleep, and the accuracy of consumer sleep trackers is questionable at best.

Lauren Goode

Der „Theater Mode“ dient mir in den nächsten Monaten erst einmal als „Sleep Mode“. Ich trage meine Watch jede Nacht und das größte Problem war bislang die Aktivierung des Displays bei (Arm‑)Bewegungen.

Ein dedizierter Schlafmodus ist nur eine Frage der Zeit. David Smith, Entwickler von Sleep++:

When Apple inevitably launches their offering it will certainly do a better job of tracking a user’s sleep and do it in a less invasive way than I ever could. The nature of watchOS is such that doing long running, background monitoring of a user’s motion is difficult as a third party, but I suspect straight forward for a first party app.

Inevitable Sherlocking

Mit Apples klarem Fokus auf Sport und Gesundheit für die Uhr, ist eine (automatische) Erfassung der Schlafstunden ein nächster logischer Schritt.