„Apple Keeps Constant Log Of iPhone Calls In iCloud, Warns Cop Contractor“

Apple has a hidden feature for you in its iPhones: call logs going back as far as four months are stored in near real-time in the iCloud. That’s the warning today from a Russian provider of iPhone hacking tools, Elcomsoft, which claimed the feature was automatic and there was no way to turn it off bar shutting down iCloud Drive altogether.
Apples Whitepaper sagt zur Aufzeichnung der FaceTime- und Telefon-Verbindungsdaten:
FaceTime call invitation logs when a FaceTime call invitation is initiated. These logs do not indicate that any communication between users actually took place. Apple has no information as to whether the FaceTime call was successfully established or duration of a FaceTime call. FaceTime call invitation logs are retained up to 30 days.
Legal Process Guidelines (PDF-Link)
Der Protokollzeitraum von vier Monaten (sollten die Informationen von ElcomSoft so stimmen), ist – wie Jonathan Zdziarski Forbes zu Protokoll gibt – wahrscheinlich nur ein Versehen. Nichtsdestotrotz gehört das schleunigst behoben. Metadaten verraten bekanntlich viel.