„Die Vertuschung ist schlimmer als das Verbrechen“
I must reiterate what I said in a story last night about another replacement phone that caught fire. If you own a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 you should stop using it immediately and return it for a refund — all the major US carriers will exchange the phone, regardless of purchase date. Samsung has handled the entire recall extraordinarily poorly, and continues to do so by not being more forthcoming about what’s going on with these replacement device. Until we get more information, the simplest explanation is the best one: The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is a fundamentally defective product and it should be pulled from the market without delay.
Jordan Golson | „A fourth replacement Galaxy Note 7 caught fire in Virginia this morning“
Das Galaxy Note 7 ist mit Sicherheit das letzte Smartphone der Marke ‚Note‘. Samsung wird mit der nächsten Generation viel Abstand von dieser Produktbezeichnung nehmen – insbesondere seitdem auch die Austauschgeräte Feuer fangen und weltweit Fluglinien vor jedem Flug (!) die Benutzung dieses Telefons ausdrücklich untersagen.
Viel besorgniserregender ist jedoch Samsungs Reaktion. Angefangen beim weltweit verzögerten Austauschprogramm, über den unwirksamen, unnötigen oder unzureichenden 60%-Akku-Patch sowie den nun erneut in Flammen stehenden Austauschgeräten inklusive ihren Versuchen die Vorfälle zu verschleiern.

Samsung was aware that its replacement phones were catching fire five days ago. Another caught fire on Thursday (on an airplane), and then another on Friday in the hands of a thirteen-year old girl. That’s three in less than a week, with Samsung giving its customers little more than meaningless platitudes about “ (taking) every report seriously“ and that „customer safety remains our highest priority as we are investigating the matter.“
Except that’s a lie. If customer safety was really the highest priority, we would have seen statements from Samsung telling customers to stop using even their replacement phones after the fire on the Southwest flight on Thursday.
Jordan Golson | „Samsung knew a third replacement Note 7 caught fire on Tuesday and said nothing“