Das günstigere iPhone
But the key thing is that after 8 years, the iPhone range really now starts at $400, not $600 or more. With the 6 and 6 Plus Apple addressed screen-size as a reason to buy premium Android and their results are clear in Samsung’s financials. New it’s going after price and the mid-range. $400 is still nowhere near the $150 or so that decent Android phones start at (let alone the entry price of $50 or less for one with very low specs), but this is still going to shake things up.
„Notes on Apple’s refresh – cheaper iPhones and iPads for real work“
Apple tastet sich nach unten. In Europreisen sieht der Preisschirm für die iPhones nun wie folgt aus:

Wenn das SE einschlägt, sinkt der durchschnittliche iPhone-Verkaufspreis, der im letzten Quartal bei 691 US-Dollar lag, kräftig.