
„Apple says it’s not done improving Maps.“

IPhoneBlog de Apple Maps Karten Google

Apple says its mapping service is now used more than three times as often as its next leading competitor on iPhones and iPads, with more than 5 billion map-related requests each week. Research firm comScore says Apple has a modest lead over Google on iPhones in the U.S., though comScore measures how many people use a service in a given month rather than how often.

Google still dominates among all U.S. smartphones, though, in part because Apple Maps isn’t available on Google’s Android system, which is more prevalent than iPhones. In October, Google Maps had more than twice as many smartphone users as Apple Maps. Much like Apple, Google benefits as the default on Android.

Apple Maps, once a laughingstock, now dominates iPhones

Zahlen hin oder her: Nur iOS hat beide der führenden Karten-Apps.