Foursquare liefert Kartendaten an Apple Maps
Apple Maps has updated its Acknowledgements Page as of 10/22/15 to include Foursquare as a supplier of business listings data. […]
This is pretty great news for Foursquare. Everything I have heard from other Apple Maps data suppliers is that the traffic to these listings has been accelerating at a rapid clip – Apple apparently provides data providers traffic data on their listings – so this provides Foursquare with a great reason for businesses to engage with them.
Andrew Shotland | „Foursquare Confirmed as Apple Maps Business Listings Supplier“
Jessica Lessin, heute Chefin von The Information, schrieb über erste Gespräche zwischen Foursquare und Apple vor drei Jahren.

Ich hoffe, es dauert keine weiteren drei Jahre bis diese „Business listings“ auch per Siri abzufragen sind.