Porsche: CarPlay statt Android Auto

Motor Trend heute Vormittag:
There’s no technological reason the 991/2 doesn’t have Android Auto playing through its massively upgraded PCM system. But there is an ethical one. As part of the agreement an automaker would have to enter with Google, certain pieces of data must be collected and mailed back to Mountain View, California. Stuff like vehicle speed, throttle position, coolant and oil temp, engine revs—basically Google wants a complete OBD2 dump whenever someone activates Android Auto. Not kosher, says Porsche.
Phil Schiller heute Nachmittag:

Google heute Abend:
Steering this story straight – we take privacy very seriously and do not collect the data the Motor Trend article claims such as throttle position, oil temp and coolant temp. Users opt in to share information with Android Auto that improves their experience, so the system can be hands-free when in Drive, and provide more accurate navigation through the car’s GPS.
Bis Mercedes, BMW, VW und Co. in allen ihren Autos CarPlay oder Android Auto anbieten, verkaufen Apple und Google eh eigene Autos.