
Kristallklares Gorilla-Glass-Statement


„When we look at it, we see a lot of disadvantages of Sapphire versus Gorilla Glass. It’s about 10 times more expensive. It’s about 1.6 times heavier. It’s environmentally unfriendly. It takes about 100 times more energy to generate a Sapphire crystal than it does glass. It transmits less light which…means either dimmer devices or shorter battery life. It continues to break. I think while it’s a scratch resistant product it still breaks and our testing says that Gorilla Glass [can take] about 2.5 times more pressure that it can take…Sapphire on. So when we look at it, we think from an overall industry and trend that is not attractive in consumer electronics.“

Seeking Alpha

Die Reaktion von Tony Tripeny, aus der Chefetage von Gorilla Glass, zeigt in welchen Dimensionen der iPhone-Hersteller mit dem neuen Material für Displays plant.

Als aktueller Apple-Zulieferant antwortet der Senior Vice President von Corning zwar nur indirekt, lässt aber genau wie ihre PR-Kampagne trotzdem keinen Zweifel aufkommen gegen wen sich seine forschen Worte richten.