
iPhone 5c: ‚Plastic Perfected‘


Auffällig: Apple spricht in seinem Werbematerial von Plastik und versteckt sich nicht hinter Begriffen wie Polycarbonat oder der vorteilhaften Bezeichnung Kunststoff. Der Erfolg der 5c-Modelle scheint absehbar.

People who are focused on tech specs will complain that nothing’s changed, that this is simply Apple’s previous strategy obscured by pretty colors and a slight name change.

Those people miss the point. The iPhone 5c feels like a new iPhone. It looks unlike any previous iPhone model. (And up until now, you had to buy a case if you wanted your iPhone to be colorful.) In stores and in conversation, it will be considered a new iPhone—one lacking the higher price tag and high-end features of the iPhone 5s. People who buy it won’t feel like second-class citizens or buyers of a hand-me-down—they’ll have a cool new iPhone.

Jason Snell | Macworld