[update] Tim Cook auf der D11

John Paczkowski verspricht das komplette Video-Interview von Tim Cook auf der D11 für die nächsten Stunden1. Dies gilt es abzuwarten. Den unzähligen (unten aufgeführten) Mitschriften lässt sich jedoch schon jetzt entnehmen, dass die im letzten Jahr von Cook angekündigte „double down on secrecy“ Produktpolitik keine Ausnahmen erlaubt – auch nicht für die selten öffentlichen Interviews.
Diese fünf Diskussionspunkte stachen für mich im ersten Durchlesen heraus.
We’re still playing in TV through Apple TV. For several years we were selling a few hundred thousand. We’ve now sold 13 million — about half of those in the last year.
To convince people they have to wear something, it has to be incredible. If we asked a room of 20-year olds to stand up if they’re wearing a watch, I don’t think anyone would stand up. […] I don’t think it has to be just that. I think other wearable ideas could be interesting. The sensor thing is exploding.
On Android: Do I look at it? Of course. I don’t have my head stuck in the sand… Globally I think there are a lot of phones that are called smartphones that if we got together, we’d call it a feature phone, and the user uses it like a feature phone.
Philip Elmer-DeWitt / Fortune Tech
Kara is asking about „the Facebook bobbleheads“ — Chat Heads. Cook says that Apple and Facebook worked together on integration. There’s more they can do.
Cook says, speaking generally, that you’ll see Apple open up more APIs in the future — but not in a way that leads to a bad customer experience.
Cook says Apple was on the pace of buying a company every 60 days, every six months or so. Apple has already acquired 9 companies in this fiscal year. Walt: “Did you announce them all?” Tim: “Of course not!”
09:27 Uhr Wie versprochen stehen ab sofort die vollständigen 82 Minuten mit Tim Cook online.

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