„Google is close to making Android Wear work on the iPhone“


Foto: Maurizio Pesce (cc)

Some third-party developers have already hacked together a solution that makes Android Wear work on iOS. Another developer has discovered „iOS related code“ in Android 4.4 that he believes implies that Google has been working on iOS compatibility for Android Wear. Last October, Android Wear product manager Jeff Chang didn’t rule out the possibility that Google could be working on it, telling The Huffington Post that „We always want as many users as possible to enjoy our experience, so in terms of enabling more people to use Android Wear we’re very interested in making that happen.“

Dieter Bohn | The Verge

Das Timing dieser „exklusiven“ Story – am Vorabend der Apple-Watch-Vorbestellungen – mag Zufall sein. Oder auch nicht. Android Wear aber hat natürlich von Tag eins weg an iPhone-Nutzer gedacht. iPhone-Nutzer gehören zu Googles wichtigsten Kunden.